The Boys Lose a Chance to Be Recused

August 16,1945
The Boys Lose a Chance to Be Recused

Updates on the situation with the stranded English schoolboys shows that Jack’s leadership is leading the group towards a wrong direction. After the boys were trapped on the island, they had lit and kept a signal fire in case someone passed by and recused them. The leader of the boys, Ralph, recognized that the signal was the most important thing because once recused the boys would not have to worry about their lives once rescued. Therefore, the signal fire should not be allowed to go out at any time.

However, Jack, the boy who was put in charge of the fire, was always worried about hunting, so the boys were not able to cooperate properly. On the day that the ship passed by, there wasn’t a signal fire because Jack had called all the boys to help him hunt a pig. Even though, the boys got to have meat, there are other sources of food on the island and meat, while the most filling, is not necessary for survival.

Jack is not capable of leading the group towards a right direction, because he is not mature enough. He doesn’t know what is the most important and his is not friendly to Piggy and most of the boys. He thought of the stay on the island as a game. If Jack had kept the signal fire going, the boys might have been found and rescued months earlier, and two of the boys, Simon and Piggy, would still be alive.

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