Piggy's Obituary

Piggy Harrison, 12, of England, passed away, August 21, 1945.

Piggy died while trying to stop the argument between Jack and Ralph on the deserted island. During this time one of the boys accidentally caused a large rock to fall from the mountain, hitting Piggy on the head.

He was born in London, England, April 5, 1933, to Jeff and Candy Harrison. Piggy went to Lord Byng Primary School and was in Grade 5. Piggy lived all his life in London, England. He love reading books and achieved many high marks in school. Although Piggy was often made fun of, he loved to invent things and helping other students with their studies. Piggy is very sensible, he did not believe in things without scientific facts.

Piggy was survived by his aunt, Annie Harrison.

Piggy’s closed coffin funeral will be held on 2pm, September 30, 1945 at London General Funeral Services. Donations will be collected in remembrance of Piggy for Kids Help Phone.


  1. Will we never know his real first name?

  2. It was no accident. Piggy is murdered quite intentionally by Roger.

    1. Yes but this may be "an acident" becuase the boys were the only winesses, so do you really believe they're going to fess up for all the crap they've done on the island? After all they're only young boys all under 13 years old. I think that it was very well thought out and accurate.

  3. His real name was peterkin
