English Boys Stranded On Island Alone

August 3, 1945
English Boys Stranded On Island Alone
Jack (Right) and the rest of his tribe
 when they were found
A plane full of English boys was shot down and fell to isolated island. The boys decided everything by themselvescreating a  democratic society but they fell apart and  became wild.

In the beginning, the boys chose Ralph, the son of a naval officer, to be in charge of the group and everybody cooperated well with each other. Ralph separated jobs to make sure that everyone got food and shelter. He also focused the boys on keeping a signal fire, which the boys lit by using a pair of glasses. Ralph insisted that rules be followed because the boys might never be rescued and that being stranded wasn’t a game. Rules were the only thing they have left from England as Ralph argued against Jack on following the rules, “Because the rules are the only thing we’ve got!” (Golding 99).

However, Jack, the eldest boy, wanted to be the leader so he created his own group against Ralph and lead the boys to hunt pigs and steal glasses. Under Jack, the boys were convinced that a terrible beast existed on the island. Twin brothers Sam and Eric were the first one to see this beast, “’It was furry. There was something moving behind its head – wings.  The beast moved too – ‘…’I saw it slinking behind the trees.’” (Golding 108) This leads to the creation of their own religion with the imaginary beast at the center. At the time of rescue, the boys were hunting Ralph as if he were an animal.

The isolated island where these events happened was in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The boys were shot down during the summer of WWII and were trapped on the island for several months. During this time, two members of the group, Simon and Piggy, passed away as a result of the boys fear and increasing savagery.




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